TabConf 2022 Keynote
@andreneves|October 16, 2022 (2y ago)220 views

In October 2022, I had the honor to give the keynote speech for TabConf. TabConf is the best technical conference for Bitcoin developers in the world. The conference put together by Michael Tidwell, Brianna d'Estries, and Brandon Iglesias brings the best of the best in Bitcoin core, Lightning Network, and adjacent technology developers together in a single set of rooms. With a DEFCON-esque style to it, TabConf has villages that cover Socratic Seminars, Gaming Village, Workshops, and much more.
The room was filled to the brink for the start of the conference, and at around 9:30AM I began.
In my speech I stressed the need for continued support for more educational and open source content around Bitcoin, and also introduced NBD - No Big Deal, ZBD's open source arm where we dedicate all resources towards developing Bitcoin, Lightning Network, and other open source projects further.